Month: April 2015

JuxtaposeJS Trial

Hereis a great new tool to compare things at two points in time.Lake Shasta Zuma Beach  ...

Public Opinion

<b>fluctuating perceptions of Climate Change</b><br>coastal SoCal<sup>1</sup> relative to statewide<sup>2</sup> & national<sup>3</sup> attitudes ...

Table Insert 1

Thisis an example of a table. Do you get it? interesting....

Test Footnote #2

Sonext the Deepwater Oil spill [1]Technically we are talking about an oil blowout, not a spell per se....

Footnote test

Thisias asidadia dia ds [1]ref 3 and then he said "no way"So I was oeeved.......

Contact Form Test

Hereis a test of my contact form.[contact_form]Blah Blahdoobody doo...

ItunesU test

Iwant to describe my posts and so I tried this. am curious if it worked.Did it?...

Social Media floating test

thisis a test of floating tool bar and of the iTunes U posting...

Blank Test Post

Let'sTry this.Anything strange here?...

Google Drive test

Hereis map I tried to paste in...